Getting Started as an Official

Officiating is a great way to get (or stay) involved with athletics. Whether you want to help out at a few club matches per year or progress to national level, the first step is to decide which discipline you want to focus on and then follow the three step journey outlined below.

Once you’ve decided which discipline you’d like to officiate in, there is a simple process to gaining your first Level 1 Licence.

The first step is to sign up for an officiating course. These are booked via Athletics Hub which contains details of all the available courses.

Having attended you Level 1 course, the next step is to complete the online modules in Safeguarding and Health and Safety.

As well as Safeguarding and Health and Safety, all officials must also complete a DBS check. Part of this is an identity check which can be undertaken by a nominated person at your club (usually the Membership secretary) or the CofSec.

You will also need to upload a photo which will appear on your licence.

At this point, you will have completed all the steps necessary to gain your Level 1 licence. The third and final step to becoming an official is to gain real practical experience at athletics meetings. Your club or the CofSec can help you find meetings and also introduce to more experienced officials who will guide you on your officiating journey.
The County Championships (in May) and the Middlesex Young Athletes League are excellent ways to gain experience by working with other local officials.

Hopefully this has encouraged you to join us a Technical Official, it’s a fun way to be a part of athletics and to ensure that athletes can compete regularly and safely,