Officials Development

Having gained your Level 1 Licence you may decide that officiating at that level for your club is all you want to do. However, you may decide you want to take your officiating journey further and progress to Level 2, 3 or even national level, Level 4.

If you do want to progress further, the CofSec and other experienced officials are here to help you. This could be acting as a mentor, helping to find meetings at a higher level for you to gain experience at or guiding you through the relevant upgrading pathway.

Track and Field Pathway

The full details of the Track and Field Pathway are on the England Athletics website but progression to Level 2 and Level 3 is based on gaining experience at meetings and getting feedback from more experienced officials to confirm you are operating at the next level. You need one feedback form for Level 2 and, after you have gained more experiences, two reports for Level 3. One of these will be as a Referee or Chief.

Endurance Pathway

The Endurance Pathway is slightly different. It contains self-taught modules for Level 2 and rather than a report, you need to submit your answers to be marked. For Level 3, there are more modules and also a report at a higher level meetingl. You will also need to demonstrate that you have experience in a range of roles across the Endurance area including both Cross Country and Road Racing.

Record of Experience

Both pathways require you to keep a track of the events that you attend and log them on your Record of Experience. This is housed on the EA website under your profile. For each meeting you keep a log of the activties you undertook. For officials working towards Level 3 and Level 4 you also record what you learnt that day. Level 1 officials working towards Level 2 are also encouraged to record what they learnt but it is optional.