Middlesex XC Championships – Details

Our championships will be held (under UKA and ECCA Rules) Perivale, Saturday 8th January 2022. Race HQ will be at the Tir Chonaill Gaels Club, Berkeley Ave, Greenford, UB6 ONZ – numbers are to be collected here and refreshments will be available here. Please note there are no changing facilities so runners are advised to come in their running kit.
Event Program
A Copy of the Event Program can be found and downloaded here
Directions to the site
There is a small car park adjacent to the clubhouse but no restrictions on local roads (watch out for dropped curbs), Greenford road, just before Berkeley Ave is suggested.

For public transport, the nearest station is Greenford (Central line) or Sudbury Hill (Piccadilly Line) and the HQ is about 20 mins walk.
Race Times
Race Times and details are as follows :-
11.15 a.m U11 Boys Race – 1500 Metres (approx.) – 1 x Blue Lap – 3 to Score
11.20 a.m U11 Girls – 1,500 Metres (approx.) – 1 x Blue Lap – 3 to Score
11.30 a.m. Under 13 Boys Race – 3,000 Metres (approx) – 1 x Red Lap – 3 to Score
11.35 a.m. Under 13 Girls Race – 3,000 Metres (approx) – 1 x Red lap – 3 to Score
11.55 a.m. Under 15 Boys Race – 4,000 Metres (approx) – 2 x Yellow Lap – 3 to Score
12.00 a.m. Under 15 Girls Race – 4,000 Metres (approx) – 2 x Yellow Lap – 3 to Score
12.25 p.m. Under 17 Women’s Race – 6,000 Metres (approx) – 2 x Red Lap – 3 to Score
12.25 p.m. Under 20 Women’s Race – 6,000 Metres (approx) – 2 x Red Lap – 3 to Score
12 55 p.m. Under 17 Men’s Race – 6,000 Metres (approx) – 2 x Red Lap – 3 to Score
12.55p.m. Under 20 Men’s Race – 6,000 Metres (approx) – 2 x Red lap – 3 to Score
1.00 p.m. Senior Women’s Race – 8,000 Metres (approx) – 1 x Yellow Lap, 2 x Red Lap – 4 to Score
In addition to the normal awards, as set out below, the Corlin Trophy will be awarded to the first team that has not finished in the first three positions over the last three years, or is not the current holder of the trophy.
1.45 p.m. Senior Men’s Race – 12,000 Metres (approx) – 3 x Red Lap – 6 to Score
In addition to the normal awards, as set out below, a set of bronze medals will be awarded to the first team (outside the first three teams) to finish with the lowest aggregate for a team of 12 finishers.

Medals will be awarded to the first three individuals in each race. In the Senior Men’s & Women’s races medals will be presented on the basis of the size of the team entries for each race. viz :- 1 set of medals for 1 to 4 entries, 2 sets of medals for 5 to 7 entries and 3 sets of medals for 8 entries or more. In all other age group races up to three sets of team medals will be presented irrespective of the size of the entry.
Please note that there is no public catering, please bring your own refreshments.
COVID information
Can all visitors, competitors, officials, team managers and spectators please do a lateral test on the Friday and NOT ATTEND if the result is positive or if you feel unwell with COVID like symptoms.
Also, please try to keep social distance, where possible or use masks , especially in and around the admin area and medal presentations.
Just a reminder that individual medals (first 3 places) will be given out at the funnel end of each race except for both senior races – team medals and trophies will be given out as soon as results are calculated for each race. PLEASE NOTE SHOULD THE COVID SITUATION WARRANT IT, PRESENTATIONS MAY HAVE TO BE CANCELLED, in which case they will be sent onto clubs later
Inter-Counties Race
The race will form part of selection to represent the County at the main Inter counties (CAU) championships due to be held on Saturday 12th March 2022 at Prestwold Hall, Loughborough