Middlesex Road Relays – 12th September

This year’s Road Relays are at the usual venue, the MINET CENTRE in Springfield Road, Hayes, UB4 OLL

The race programme is:

14.00                     Under 11 Boys & Girls    –              Road Race (1500 Metres approx)

14.15 approx      Under 13 Boys & Girls    –              3 x 3000m approx

14.55 approx      Under 15 Boys & Girls    –              3 x 3000m approx

15.35  approx     Under 17 Men & Women –          3 x 3000m approx.

16.00 approx     Under 20 and Senior Men & Women      3 x 3000m approx.  (Open races)

Entries are via https://entry4sports.co.uk/#/entry?comporgid=107&compid=277

Instructions on how to use the entry system are below.